Welcome to ZeroCostProfits

Reduce Costs - increase Profits - Build company Value

Our Subscription Offer

Free OpEx & Tax Insights
Are you paying more than you should?
Do you really know?

Free Expense Reduction Plan
Vendor Negotiation and Contracting
We have real benchmarking data

Free Contract Compliance
Monitoring of vendor contracts,
monthly reporting, exception alerts

How is Free Possible?

We participate in the savings we create for you.
You pay nothing up front, no trailing fees, no technology fees.
Savings are found in the expense reduction of OpEx, or various Tax relief programs,
or you don't pay anything.

What is Success Anyway?

Success is
finding that you team is doing everything perfectly, and there is no more juice to squeeze out of that lemon. Success is finding rebates, refunds, or credits that add to the bottom line.
Either one is a successful use of a bit of time and a little effort.

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Service - Not Technology


  • IT delivery risk
  • implementation bottlenecks
  • cost over runs
  • decision delays
  • vendor selection paralysis
  • operating disruption

Everybody has Bills to Pay

Engagement Process

Is very simple and straight forward.

STEP 1. Schedule a brief call or online meeting with us.
In that setting we explore the factors needed for us to help you, while you do the same with us.

STEP 2. We schedule a call with the relevant service provider based on our conversation wth you. Our service providers are subject matter experts (SME) that have deep domain expertise in the relevant areas. If agreement to proceed is reached, the next sep is taken.

STEP 3. The next step is Zero Cost to you. No fees are expected or due.
The SME will request documentation, typically past bills to begin their audit, analysis, and assessment to find out if we an deliver worthwhile performance for your company.

STEP 4. The SME will review the findings with the client, and either with draw, or contract to deliver the value over time.

STEP 5. Monitor, report, and protect you from un-contracted fee increases that are unfair and unfair and unplanned.




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